Python 3.8.10: /usr/bin/python3
Tue Oct 22 16:26:30 2024

A problem occurred in a Python script. Here is the sequence of function calls leading up to the error, in the order they occurred.

 /afs/csail.mit.edu/u/e/edemaine/public_html/confu/index.py in <module>
    307   cgi.header (content_type = 'text/html; charset=utf-8')
    308   cgi.write (page)
=>  310 if __name__ == '__main__': cgi_main ()
__name__ = '__main__', cgi_main = <function cgi_main>
 /afs/csail.mit.edu/u/e/edemaine/public_html/confu/index.py in cgi_main(req=None)
    276   elif mode == 'acronymbase':
    277     head.append (formatter.highlight_javascript ())
=>  278     body.append (formatter.format_eventlist (events,
=>  279       base + " " +
=>  280       HTML.join (", ",
body = <pyweb.HTML.X object>, body.append = <bound method Element.append of <pyweb.HTML.X object>>, formatter = <HTMLFormatter.HTMLFormatter object>, formatter.format_eventlist = <bound method HTMLFormatter.format_eventlist of <HTMLFormatter.HTMLFormatter object>>, events = EventList ([Event ({'title': '53rd Annual IEEE S...e)], 'accept': <map object at 0x7f47329fcfd0>})]), base = 'FOCS', global HTML = <module 'pyweb.HTML' from '/afs/csail.mit.edu/u/e/edemaine/big4/public_html/confu/pyweb/HTML.py'>, HTML.join = <function join>, HTML.A = <class 'pyweb.HTML.X'>, event undefined, href undefined, global HTMLFormatter = <module 'HTMLFormatter' from '/afs/csail.mit.edu...demaine/big4/public_html/confu/HTMLFormatter.py'>, HTMLFormatter.event_link_name = <function event_link_name>, onclick undefined, plots undefined
 /afs/csail.mit.edu/u/e/edemaine/big4/public_html/confu/HTMLFormatter.py in format_eventlist(self=<HTMLFormatter.HTMLFormatter object>, eventlist=EventList ([Event ({'title': '53rd Annual IEEE S...e)], 'accept': <map object at 0x7f47329fcfd0>})]), title=<pyweb.HTML.Concat object>, map='', plots=True)
    291       #print 'Content-type: text/html\n'  ## to show font warnings
    292       Plots.init ()
=>  293       plots = Plots.plot_html (eventlist)
    294     else:
    295       plots = ''
plots = True, global Plots = <module 'Plots' from '/afs/csail.mit.edu/u/e/edemaine/big4/public_html/confu/Plots.py'>, Plots.plot_html = <function plot_html>, eventlist = EventList ([Event ({'title': '53rd Annual IEEE S...e)], 'accept': <map object at 0x7f47329fcfd0>})])
 /afs/csail.mit.edu/u/e/edemaine/big4/public_html/confu/Plots.py in plot_html(events=EventList ([Event ({'title': '53rd Annual IEEE S...e)], 'accept': <map object at 0x7f47329fcfd0>})]))
    120 def plot_html (events):
    121   if not events: return ''
=>  122   plots = plot_event (events)
    123   plotpairs = zip (plots[::2], plots[1::2])
    124   return HTML.P (HTML.Table (
plots undefined, global plot_event = <function plot_event>, events = EventList ([Event ({'title': '53rd Annual IEEE S...e)], 'accept': <map object at 0x7f47329fcfd0>})])
 /afs/csail.mit.edu/u/e/edemaine/big4/public_html/confu/Plots.py in plot_event(events=[(1998, Event ({'title': '39th Annual Symposium on Found...one)], 'accept': <map object at 0x7f47329fcfd0>})), (1999, Event ({'title': '40th Annual Symposium on Found...here': [('New York City, New York, USA', None)]})), (2000, Event ({'title': '41st Annual Symposium on Found...re': [('Redondo Beach, California, USA', None)]})), (2001, Event ({'title': '42nd Annual IEEE Symposium on ...one)], 'accept': <map object at 0x7f4732901e80>})), (2002, Event ({'title': '43rd Annual IEEE Symposium on ...one)], 'accept': <map object at 0x7f4732904310>})), (2003, Event ({'title': '44th Annual IEEE Symposium on ...one)], 'accept': <map object at 0x7f47329047f0>})), (2004, Event ({'title': '45th Annual IEEE Symposium on ...one)], 'accept': <map object at 0x7f4732904c10>})), (2005, Event ({'title': '46th Annual IEEE Symposium on ...nn Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pensylvania, USA', None)]})), (2006, Event ({'title': '47th Annual IEEE Symposium on ...etree Hotel, Berkeley, California, USA', None)]})), (2007, Event ({'title': '48th Annual IEEE Symposium on ...e Hotel, Providence, Rhode Island, USA', None)]})), (2008, Event ({'title': '49th Annual IEEE Symposium on ...one)], 'accept': <map object at 0x7f4732908df0>})), (2009, Event ({'title': '50th Annual IEEE Symposium on ...one)], 'accept': <map object at 0x7f4732910280>})), (2010, Event ({'title': '51st Annual IEEE Symposium on ...one)], 'accept': <map object at 0x7f4732910670>})), (2011, Event ({'title': '52nd Annual IEEE Symposium on ...one)], 'accept': <map object at 0x7f4732910a60>})), (2012, Event ({'title': '53rd Annual IEEE Symposium on ...one)], 'accept': <map object at 0x7f4732910e50>}))])
     87           percentdict[paren][-1] = 100.0 * value / total[year]
     88     valueslist = list(valuesdict.items())
=>   89     valueslist.sort ()
     90     percentlist = list(percentdict.items())
     91     percentlist.sort ()
valueslist = [(None, [None, 250, 270]), ('approximately', [220, None, None])], valueslist.sort = <built-in method sort of list object>

TypeError: '<' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'NoneType'
      args = ("'<' not supported between instances of 'str' and 'NoneType'",)
      with_traceback = <built-in method with_traceback of TypeError object>